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受新型冠状病毒疫情爆发的影响,为保障广大展商、观众及嘉宾的健康与安全,SEMI推迟了原定于2020年3月18日至20日举行的SEMICON/FPD China 2020。对此造成的不便,SEMI 感谢您的理解和支持!


·展览及会议地点:上海浦东新国际博览中心, 上海浦东嘉里大酒店

随着新型冠状病毒感染确诊人数持续下降,疫情控制情势不断好转,我们将继续与上海市政府及相关机构紧密配合,确保新档期的SEMICON/FPD China 2020安全和成功,并取得一如既往的丰硕成果。同时SEMI将尽快联系大家,用专业的服务、尽最大的努力协助参展商和赞助商顺利过渡到新档期。

再次感谢各位展商、观众及嘉宾的积极参与和大力支持,让我们携手同心让SEMICON China这个最具国际化、全球规模最大的半导体专业平台,持续为中国及全球半导体产业服务!





Dear Exhibitors and Guests,

SEMICON/FPD China 2020, which was originally scheduled for March 18-20, 2020, was postponed four weeks ago to protect the health and safety of our exhibitors, visitors and guests, in response to the spread of COVID-19.  Thank you for your understanding and support.   

Through extensive communication and coordination with related parties and support from the Shanghai government, we were able to secure new dates vetted by exhibitors at the Shanghai New International Expo Center (SNIEC), our original venue, which is the strong preference of our exhibitors, sponsors and guests.  Please reserve the following dates:

·Exhibition: June 27-29, 2020
·Concurrent Forum: ‪June 26-29, 2020‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬
·Location: SNIEC and Kerry Hotel

SEMI is very thankful for the special assistance we received from the Shanghai government to secure new dates for SEMICON/FPD China 2020 and for their commitment to participate in our event. Additionally, we are strongly encouraged by the declining number of new cases of COVID-19 and the improving containment within China and therefore expect a safe and successful event at the end of June.  Within the next 10 days, the SEMI team will follow up with all of our exhibitors and sponsors and will make best efforts to provide a smooth transition to the new dates.  

SEMICON/FPD China 2020 is the leading industry event in China and the world because of your ongoing support and participation.  SEMI remains committed to serving your business needs and looks forward to another fruitful event this year.   

We wish you all the best and good health!

Richard Salsman        

CFO & Vice PresidentOperations, SEMI 

Lung Chu
President, SEMI China




